Florida DUI DMV Suspensions
Ms. Earle has extensive experience with the DMV with regard to license suspensions for refusing breath tests or testing over the legal limit. She can assist you delay a suspension, obtain a restricted license or retain your Florida driver’s license entirely. She guides her clients with personal attention through the DMV process by requesting hearings within the required time lines & defending you at the hearing. She moreover works closely with the former DMV attorney as a consultant to fully explore any & all defenses to the suspension.
Administrative Suspension Law – s. 322.2615, F.S., s. 316.193, F.S., s. 316.1932, F.S.
- First Suspension for Driving With an Unlawful Alcohol Level (.08 or above): 6 months.
- Second or Subsequent Suspensions for Driving With an Unlawful Alcohol Level (.08 or above): 1 year.
- First Suspension for Refusal to Submit to Breath, Urine or Blood Test: 1 year.
- Second or Subsequent Suspensions for Refusal: 18 months.
- The suspension is effective immediately The officer will issue the driver a temporary permit valid for 10 days from the date of arrest, provided the driver is otherwise eligible.
Administrative Suspension of Persons Under the Age of 21 for Driving With an Alcohol Level .02 or Above
Section 322.2616, Florida Statutes, authorizes law enforcement officers having probable cause to believe that a motor vehicle is being driven by or is in the actual physical control of a person who is under the age of 21 while under the influence of alcoholic beverages or who has any alcohol level may lawfully detain this person & may request them to submit to a test to determine the alcohol level. This violation is neither a traffic infraction nor a criminal offense, nor does being detained under this statute constitute an arrest.
- First Suspension for Persons Under the Age of 21 With An Alcohol Level .02 or above: 6 months.
- Second or Subsequent Suspensions 1 year.
- First Suspension for Refusal to Submit to Breath Test: 1 year.
- Second or Subsequent Suspensions for Refusal: 18 months.
- The suspension is effective immediately. If the breath or blood alcohol level is .05 or higher the suspension shall remain in effect until completion of a substance abuse evaluation & course. The officer will issue the driver a temporary permit effective 12 hours after issuance which is valid for 10 days, provided the driver is otherwise eligible.
Administrative Disqualification Law
- First Disqualification for Driving a Commercial Motor Vehicle With an Unlawful Blood Alcohol Level (.04 or above): 1 year disqualification
- Driving a motor vehicle while he or she is under the influence of alcohol or a controlled substance: 1 year disqualification
- First Disqualification for Refusal to Submit to Breath, Urine or Blood Test Arising from the Operation of a Commercial Motor Vehicle: 1-year disqualification
- Second or Subsequent Disqualification for Refusal to Submit to Breath, Urine, or Blood Test Arising from the Operation of a Commercial Motor Vehicle: permanently disqualified.
- Second or Subsequent Disqualification of driving a motor vehicle while he or she is under the influence of alcohol or a controlled substance: Permanently disqualification
- The disqualification is effective immediately upon refusal of the breath, urine or blood test or determination that the driver has a blood alcohol level of .08 or above, while operating or in actual physical control of a commercial motor vehicle. The officer will issue the driver a temporary permit which is valid for 10 days from the date of arrest or disqualification, provided the driver is otherwise eligible. However, the permit does not authorize the operation of a commercial motor vehicle for the first 24 hours of disqualification.
Review Hearings For Administrative Suspensions And Disqualifications
Sections s. 322.2615 and s. 322.64, F.S., authorize the Department of Highway Safety & Motor Vehicles upon the request of the driver to conduct formal & informal reviews for the purpose of sustaining, amending or invalidating administrative suspensions & disqualifications. The decisions of the department shall not be considered in any trial for a violation of s. 316.193, F.S., nor shall any written statement submitted by a person in his request for review be admissible into evidence against him in any such trial. The disposition of any related criminal proceedings shall not affect a suspension/disqualification.
Business or Employment Reinstatement:
- Suspension for Driving With an Unlawful Alcohol Level of .08 or above or Refusal: Must show proof of enrollment in DUI school & apply for an administrative hearing for possible hardship reinstatement. For unlawful alcohol level must serve 30 days without driver license or permit prior to eligibility for hardship reinstatement. For first refusal must serve 90 days without driver license or permit prior to eligibility for hardship reinstatement. No hardship reinstatement for two or more refusals.
- Suspension – Persons Under Age of 21 Driving With a Breath Alcohol Level of .02 or above:Must complete a Traffic Law & Substance Abuse Education course before hardship reinstatement. .05 or higher, must complete DUI program prior to eligibility for hardship reinstatement. Must serve 30 days without driver license or permit prior to eligibility for hardship reinstatement.
Hardship License Prohibited:
- Florida law prohibits any hardship reinstatement upon 2nd or subsequent suspension for test refusal or if driver has been convicted of (DUI) section 316.193, F.S., two or more times.
- Persons disqualified from operating a commercial motor vehicle cannot obtain a hardship license to operate a commercial motor vehicle.
– See more at: https://duiattorneystuartfl.com/dui-references/#sthash.1tBsasNO.dpuf
Driver License Revocation Periods for DUI-s. 322.271, F.S. & s. 322.28,F.S.
- First Conviction: Minimum 180 days revocation, maximum 1 year.
- Second Conviction Within 5 Years: Minimum 5 years revocation. May be eligible for hardship reinstatement after 1 year. Other 2nd offenders same as “A” above.
- Third Conviction Within 10 Years of the second conviction: minimum 10 years revocation. May be eligable for a hardship reinstatement after two years.
- Fourth Conviction, Regardless of When Prior Convictions Occurred) & Murder with Motor Vehicle:Mandatory permanent revocation. No hardship reinstatement.
- DUI Manslaughter: Mandatory permanent revocation. If no prior DUI related convictions, may be eligible for hardship reinstatement after 5 years.
- Manslaughter, DUI Serious Bodily Injury, or Vehicular Homicide Convictions: Minimum 3-year revocation. DUI Serious Bodily Injury having prior DUI conviction is same as “B-D” above.
Commercial Motor Vehicles (CMV) – Alcohol-Related Convictions/Disqualifications-s. 322.61, F.S.
- Persons convicted of driving a commercial motor vehicle with a blood alcohol level of .04 or above: driving a motor vehicle while he or she is under the influence of alcohol or a controlled substance or refusing to submit to a test to determine the alcohol concentration while driving a commercial motor vehicle, driving a commercial motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol or controlled substance, or driving a commercial motor vehicle while in possession of a controlled substance shall be disqualified from operating a commercial motor vehicle for a period of 1 year. This is in addition to any provisions of s. 316.193 for DUI convictions.
- Second or subsequent conviction of any of the above offenses arising out of separate incidents will result in a permanent disqualification from operating a commercial motor vehicle.
- There are no provisions for persons disqualified from operating a commercial motor vehicle to obtain a hardship (business or employment) license to operate a commercial motor vehicle.
Business Purposes Only/Employment Purposes Only Reinstatements-s. 322.271, F.S. & s. 322.28, F.S.
- First Conviction: Must complete DUI school, apply to department for hearing for possible hardship reinstatement. Mandatory ignition interlock device for up to six months for BAL of .15.
- Second Convictions (or more): No hardship license except as provided below. Mandatory ignition interlock device for one year, or for two years if BAL is greater than .20.
- Second Conviction Within 5 Years: (5-Year Revocation) May apply for hardship reinstatement hearing after one year. Must complete DUI school & remain in the DUI supervision program for the remainder of the revocation period (failure to report for counseling or treatment shall result in cancellation of the hardship license). Applicant may not have consumed any alcoholic beverage or controlled substance or driven a motor vehicle for 12 months prior to reinstatement. Mandatory ignition interlock device for one year or for two years if BAL is greater than .15.
- Third Conviction Within 10 Years: (10-Year Revocation) May apply for hardship reinstatement hearing after two years. Must complete DUI school & remain in the DUI supervision program for the remainder of the revocation period (failure to report for counseling or treatment shall result in the cancellation of the hardship license). Applicant may not have consumed any alcoholic beverage or controlled substance or driven a motor vehicle for 12 months prior to reinstatement. Mandatory ignition interlock device for two years.
- DUI Manslaughter With No Prior DUI Related Conviction: (Permanent Revocation): May be eligible for hardship reinstatement after 5 years have expired from date of revocation or expired from date of term of incarceration provided the following requirements have been met:
- Has not been arrested for a drug-related offense for at least 5 years prior to the hearing;
- Has not driven a motor vehicle without a license for at least 5 years prior to the hearing;
- Has been alcohol & drug-free for at least 5 years prior to the hearing; and
- Must complete a DUI school & must be supervised under the DUI program for the remainder of the revocation period (failure to report for counseling or treatment shall result in cancellation of the hardship license).
- Ignition interlock device required for two years.
- Manslaughter, DUI Serious Bodily Injury, or Vehicular Homicide Convictions: (3 Year Revocation): May immediately apply for hardship reinstatement hearing. Must complete DUI school or advanced driver improvement course.
DUI School Requirements – s. 316.193 F.S., s. 322.271, F.S., s. 322.291, F.S.
- First Conviction: Must complete DUI school before hardship reinstatement. Customers who wait out revocation period before reinstatement need only show proof of enrollment or completion to become re-licensed. If customer enrolls & is reinstated after revocation period expires, failure to complete the DUI school within 90 days after reinstatement will result in license cancellation; the driver cannot then be re-licensed until DUI school is completed.
- Second Conviction in 5 Years (5-Year Revocation) or Third Conviction in 10 Years (10-Year Revocation):Customer must complete DUI school following conviction. See requirements in 13C & 13D respectively.
- DUI Manslaughter With No Prior DUI Related Conviction: (Permanent Revocation): Must complete DUI school before hardship reinstatement.
- Manslaughter, DUI Serious Bodily Injury, or Vehicular Homicide: (Minimum 3 year Revocation): See 13F
- Customers Who Wait Until Revocation Period Expires: Must enroll in DUI school & pass the driver license examinations to be re-licensed. Failure to complete the school within 90 days after such reinstatement will result in cancellation of the license until the school is completed.
- Reckless Driving: If the court has reasonable cause to believe that the use of alcohol, chemical or controlled substances contributed to a violation of reckless driving, the person convicted of reckless driving must complete DUI school if ordered by the court.
- Treatment: Treatment resulting from a psychosocial evaluation may not be waived without a supporting psychosocial evaluation by a court appointed agency with access to the original evaluation.